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- God Walks on the Water
- Jesus Feeding the 5000
- The Faithful Followers amid the Sinful Society, Pt 2
- Deacons and the Unity of the Church
- The Faithful Followers amid the Sinful Society
- Jesus, the True and Better Moses
- Jesus, Son of Abraham and David, Pt 2
- Jesus, Son of Abraham and David
- Jesus (God Saves), Emmanuel (God with Us)
- Jesus Rejected by His Hometown
- Restoration and Life from Christ
- Worship the Lord with Your Whole Being
- Jesus Power over Creation, Pt 2
- Jesus's Power over Creation
- Parables of the Kingdom
- The One Who Conquers
- Parable of the Soils
- Christ Plundering the Strong Man
- Lord of the Sabbath
- How Could Jesus Do That?
- Unclean and Lame to Clean and Forgiven
- Fishers of Men Following the Holy One of God
- The Time Is Fulfilled
- The Devil
- The Beginning of the Gospel of God's Kingdom
- Keep Yourselves in the Love of God
- Warning Against False Teachers, Pt 2
- Warning Against False Teachers
- The Love of God
- Contend for the One Faith
- Living Wisely in a World of Vanity
- Hope Amid the Vanity of Death
- Transformed for Good
- Wickedness Under the Sun
- God Is in Heaven, You Are on Earth
- Striving after Wind
- Identity in Christ
- Believe in the Son and Have Life
- Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life
- Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
- Jesus Walks on the Water
- Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand
- Living with the Attitude of Should
- Jesus Doing the Works of God
- He Is Risen
- Hear, Love, Teach
- A Sign about Faith
- The Good Wine that Came Later
- Come, Lord Jesus
- All Things New
- Victory, Salvation, and Judgment
- Revelation 19
- A Tale of Two Cities
- Lord God, True and Just Are Your Judgments
- The Kingdom of the Beast and the Kingdom of the Lamb
- The Warring of the Defeated Foe
- The Seven Trumpets
- When God Became Man
- The Seven Seals
- The Lion Who Is the Lamb
- The Centrality of the Throne
- Be Zealous and Repent, Pt. 2
- Be Zealous and Repent
- An Open Door That No One Can Shut
- Strengthen What Remains
- Holding Fast
- A Call for Purity in the Church
- Do Not Fear but Be Faithful
- You Have Lost Your First Love
- Christ and His Church
- Worship, Hope, and Perseverance
- Bringing Back the Wanderer
- The Prayer of a Righteous Person, Pt 2
- The Prayer of a Righteous Person
- Waiting in Faith
- Judgement Against Those Corrupted by Wealth
- A Missional Community
- Those Who Have Never Been Told of Him Will See
- Living for God
- Speak No Evil against a Brother
- Humble Yourselves
- To Win the Many
- Humility before God
- Way to Go!
- Passions or Prayer?
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Paul's Defense before King Agrippa
- And When You Fast...
- Carry the Gospel
- The Fruit of Wisdom
- Wisdom from Above
- What Shall We Do?
- Bless the Lord
- Tame Your Tongue
- Jesus Is Alive - Get Busy
- Why the Cross
- Faith Completed by Works
- Living Faith
- Sin, Judgement and Mercy
- Show No Partiality
- Pure and Undefiled Religion
- Being Doers of the Word
- Slow to Anger
- God's Good Gifts vs Man's Evil Desires
- Wise Words for the Rich and the Poor
- Ask and You Shall Receive Wisdom
- Steadfast Faith
- Following After Those Walking in the Truth
- Diotrephes and Not Walking in the Truth
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